Historic of Attractions Borobudur


One of the attractions is the destination of prehistoric relics that are building terraces – steps made of boulders and arranged so as to form a pyramid building was none other than Borobudur.

This attraction lies precisely in the region of Central Java Borobudur Village – District of Borobudur, Kab. Magelang – Central Djawah, about 40 km northwest of Yogyakarta, 7 km south of the city of Magelang. Borobudur is a magnificent building and attached to the vast history that has a square base of about 15129 square meters, with a building height of 35 meters, while the original height of 42 meters including a section Chatra.

Borobudur has a very different design to the temple – the other temples in Indonesia. The temple was built on a hill, not on a flat surface. Inside the temple is not found room for the ritual of worship in the other temples. There are only rows of long narrow corridor bounded terraced temple walls. When viewed closely, Borobudur is like a pyramid in general, but what distinguishes this temple terraces steps. The temple without this room is trusted by society as a building that is intentionally designed to places of worship. For travel guides in Borobudur, you can see at travel to borobudur.

Borobudur is a Buddhist temple to the largest in the world. Here you can see so thick with the aura of the Buddha’s teachings in Indonesia at that time. If you are visiting this temple, you will see many statues of Buddha statues lined along which number around 504. The temple of Borobudur architecture combined with beautiful ornate reliefs on the walls – the walls around the temple. Noted, 2,672 panels in Borobudur temple.

In the middle – the middle of the building there is a stupa Borobudur largest primary among others. This stupa looks like the top of a building and surrounded by 72 Borobudur stupa which marching into three parts. The conical shape of the stupa and has a hole – hole section next to it, and in it there is a statue of Buddha. The statue sits cross-legged with hands gesture “mudras” and turning the wheel of dharma “Dharmachakra mudra”.

Borobudur monument is composed of six terraces which form a square. Combined with three circular background. These three levels are believed to have significance for Buddhists. And the meaning of the former is Kamadhatu which could be interpreted as the realm of lust, while the second Rupadhatu an intangible realm, and the last Arupadhatu the realm of the intangible.

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