Common Dog Health Problems And How To Deal With Them


If you are a dog owner, you will agree that having your canine friend around is a pleasant feeling. Whatever be your mood, there is no way you can remain immune to the infectious love that your pet showers on you. Maybe this is the main reason why you feel worried and concerned when your dog comes under the weather. There’s no denying that even a well-cared-for dog can sometimes fall sick. Instead of panicking or getting upset over the situation, you should try to handle it in a matured manner. The first step of dealing with a dog’s illness is to recognize the problem. Here are a few common dog health problems and how to deal with them:

  • Allergies

There are several reasons why your dog may suffer from an allergic condition. If you notice any change in your dog’s behavior after getting exposed to something new, you should pay extra attention. Observe if your dog shows a sudden lack of energy, has sneezing/coughing problems, or something doesn’t feel right about your pet. This should be an indication of your dog suffering from allergies.

What to do: You need to determine the allergen first. In most cases, allergies happen due to food or bites of fleas and ticks. In such cases, a change in the diet or the shampoo used for bathing can bring relief to your pet. Environmental or other allergies can be dealt with the help of proper medications recommended by your veterinarian.

  • Kennel Cough

Kennel cough is a particular kind of infection that impacts the respiratory tract of dogs. This infection can easily spread from an infected dog to another. The common signs of this infection include a leaky nose, lethargy, loss of appetite, and coughing.

What to do: You can administer vaccines to prevent this infection from affecting your dog. If your dog falls prey to kennel cough, consult your vet and administer proper medicines. Also, keep your pet away from other dogs till full recovery is achieved.

  • Flea And Tick Infestation

Fleas and ticks are tiny bloodsuckers that can deprive your dog of sleep and cause constant discomfort. Abnormal scratching or biting, sudden red patches on the skin, hair loss, unexplained scabs, and pale gums are all indications of flea and tick infestation.

What to do: You should use a good flea and tick control solution all year round and inspect your dog frequently. Ensure that the product is pet-friendly and contains no harmful chemicals that might cause any discomfort to your dog. If you are not sure where to look for a reliable and effective flea and tick control solution, you can check at

  • Vomiting

If your dog vomits once in a while, you don’t need to worry. Generally, this happens when dogs eat something that’s not suitable for them. But if it’s a regular matter, you have to be extra careful. There are many reasons – from food to medical conditions – why your dog may throw up. Consistent vomiting can be a symptom of gastrointestinal blockage, toxicity, or an indication of a serious ailment.

What to do: It is best to get your dog checked by your vet and determine the cause of the problem. Your vet will be able to administer the right medicines depending on the root cause of vomiting.

  • Dental Disease

Dental disease is a serious problem in most adult dogs. If left untreated, dental disease can lead to infection of liver, heart, and kidney in your pet. Dental issues can happen for a number of reasons, such as an abscessed tooth, broken tooth, misaligned teeth, loose tooth, etc. Some of the tell-tale signs of your dog suffering from oral problems are bad breath, inflamed gums, swollen jaw, plaque, and trouble in chewing food or drinking.

What to do: If you suspect that your dog is suffering from oral problems, consult your vet immediately and ensure that your dog receives proper treatment.

  • Dog Obesity

Identifying symptoms of obesity in your dog is an easy matter. If you weigh your dog regularly, you will be able to notice the problem in the initial stages itself. In case you find that your dog is developing excess body fat, lacks mobility, turning lethargic, or doesn’t like to exercise, it’s time you paid attention to this problem.

What to do: Regular exercise and nutritious diet in recommended quantities can help your dog get over the obesity issue. But consult your vet before making any sudden drastic change in your dog’s exercise routine and diet.

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